The Carbon Fiber Clock Collection
Whether it began as a sport or the answer to the call of venturing beyond land, the affinity for the sun, open sky, endless sea, and the adrenaline of speed make sailing a way of life. Now, Chelsea Clock has captured that passion in the Carbon Fiber Collection. These pieces echo the spirit of the sea with distinction and utility as aids in navigation.
Combining sport and elegance, Carbon Fiber's monochromatic black encased by resplendent chrome, or Carbon Fiber and brass, make the Carbon Fiber Clocks, Carbon Fiber Barometers, and Carbon Fiber Tide Clocks an aesthetic combination of sport and elegance.
Although mainly known for its use in the car industry, this super fiber's ability to exude strength while being characteristically light allows Carbon Fiber to be used in sailing and yachting. It's application in sea exploration range from serving as the main material in sails to that of a catamaran. The innovative material has also been used in U.S. Navel boat designs of high-performance composites that are engineered for resilience and strength. Pounding ocean waves dissipate when they collide against this high-tech fiber.
Here the power of Carbon Fiber is harnessed with modern Chelsea Clock charm to serve as a captain's companion of motion, time and weather — from majestic coasts to balmy seas. Even for those who enjoy Chelsea Clock's storied products, the Carbon Fiber Collection includes Carbon Fiber Flag Clock, with 12 pennant flags used in nautical communication impressed on the etched sharp black Carbon Fiber dial. In addition to its nautical uses, the Carbon Fiber Wall Clock, Carbon Fiber Desk Clock and Carbon Fiber Mantel Clocks are key pieces to the collection that would bring the spirit of sea exploration to any boat, home or office.