2013 Chelsea Clock Trophy Sponsorships
- St. Barths Bucket Regatta: (March 28 – 31, 2013)
- Annapolis – Newport: (June 7, 2013)
- Marblehead – Halifax: (July 7, 2013)
- Newport Bucket Regatta: (August 22 – 25, 2013)
- Vineyard Race (NORT): August 30, 2013)
The 2013 race season kicks off in late March in St. Barths, where the Caribbean waters are sure to be warm and the pina coladas cold. The Bucket Regatta's humble beginnings date back to 1995 when long-time fishing and sailing buddies launched the idea as little more than friendly competition. However, it wasn't long before interest grew among competitive sailors and the event was eventually formalized and sanctioned by St. Barths' government, including permission to sail in French Waters. Nearly 20 years after the first informal race among friends, the St. Barths Bucket Regatta has grown to a maximum field of 30 yachts, with applications far exceeding available spots.
While the popularity of the race has skyrocketed, the spirit and focus of the event have remained constant. Fun, camaraderie and sportsmanship typify what the Bucket is all about. With that said, the 30 crews competing for the coveted bucket are sure to put forth their best efforts, with no shortage of excitement.
Chelsea Clock is the official trophy sponsor for this prestigious event and will present specially engraved 4.5" Ship's Bell Clocks as top honors in four classes: Les Grandes Dames des Mers, Les Gazelles des Mers, Les Mademoiselles des Mers and J Class.
The 2013 St. Barths Bucket Regatta is sure to be an exciting and fun filled event, and all of us at Chelsea Clock look forward to being a part of it. Please be sure to check the official websites for each event for more information, as well as the Chelsea Clock blog for special updates.
We wish all of the crews the best of luck. May the best team win!